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Consortium of Northeastern Herbaria
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Administrator, General
Allard, Dorothy
Anholt, Allison
Artigues, Renee
Attwood, Samantha
Averello, Vincenzo
Bailey, Scott
Batth, Sureet
Baumgarten, Joni
Behringer, Greg
Bian, Chao
Bichell, Rae Ellen
Birchenough, Sophia
Blake, Jennifer
Boldyreva, Julia
Buczynski, Rebekah
Burgess, Patrick
Byrnes, David
Capik, John
Chen, Chia-Hui
Chen, Hui
Chen, Qiang
Cheng, Liang
Cofsky, Joshua
Cusimano, Victoria
Dionne, Dominique
Eladawy, Sarah
Elish, Paul
Evans, Roger
Ferguson, Victoria
Frazee, Lauren
Gage, Amy
Garcia, Nelson
Geretz, Eliana
Grimshaw, Austin
Grubbs, Alison
Gutierrez, Isabel Armas
Hafstad, Jason
Hajare, Holly
Harrison, Tina
Hempfling, James
Hess, Garrett
Howe, Natalie
Hwang, Larry
Irizarry, Ivelisse
Jackson, April
Jespersen, David
Johnson, Lea
Kandia, Glen
Kaskoun, Kelsey
King, Megan
Kleinbeck, Alexis
Koch, Eric
Labinger, Rebecca
Lasne, Clementine
Leadbetter, Clayton
Lee, Samantha
Li, Yuan
Liu, Benjamine
Liu, Qiujie
Locatelli, Emma
Low, Yee
MacLeod, Molly
Manning, Amy
Martin, Milan
Mattera, Robert
Mendillo, Jesse
Morath, Shannon
Morningstar, Natalie
Moy, Karina
Muehlbauer, Megan
Olivares, Carlos
Ostrowski, Elizabeth
Park, Brian
Park, Derek
Partman, Lucy
Patel, Hardik
Patel, Tosal
Perzley, Julia
Peters, Matthew
Philbrick, Thomas
Powell, Charles
Pyne, Robert
Raskin, Anya
Ray, Jessica
Reichert, William
Ryan, Jennifer
Sapiezynski, Justin
Satch, Christopher
shao, wanchen
Sharma, Kavita
Sidhu, Ashley
Silady, Rebecca
Spitz, Lauren
Spriggs, Elizabeth
Stewart, Sarah
Struwe, Lena
Suglia, Elena
Sweeney, Patrick
Talmadge, Michele
Tate, Trent
Terrell, Alexandra
Treuer, Sydney
Tupayachi-Deras, Elizabeth
Upadhyay, Lauren
User, Test
Van Valen, Kathleen
Von Plinsky, Autumn
Walker, Rebecca
Waller, Timothy
Wang, Jianqiao
Wang, Jinyu
Wang, Yifei
Williams, Daniel
Wong, Zachary
Wu, Tianxin
Yang, Karen
Yu, Qiguo
Zavatsky, Jordan
Zhang, Andy
Zipperer, Lara
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QC Problem - There is a problem with this image.
Adult - Image contains the adult organism.
Immature - Image contains the immature organism.
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Consortium of Northeastern Herbaria()
Consortium of Northeastern Herbaria (Specimen)
Ontario Agricultural College Herbarium
(Ontario Agricultural College-OAC)
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Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Herbarium
(Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia-PH)
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Agnes Marion Ayre Herbarium
(Memorial University of Newfoundland-NFLD)
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Albion R. Hodgdon Herbarium, University of New Hampshire
(University of New Hampshire-NHA)
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Audubon Society of Rhode Island Herbarium
(Audubon Society of Rhode Island-Audubon Society of Rhode Island)
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Bartlett Arboretum Herbarium
(Bartlett Arboretum-BART)
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Brown University Herbarium
(Brown University-BRU)
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Charles B. Graves Herbarium, Connecticut College
(Connecticut College-CCNL)
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Chrysler Herbarium of Rutgers University
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Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens Herbarium
(Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens-CMBG)
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Connecticut Botanical Society
(Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History-NCBS)
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E. C. Smith Herbarium, Acadia University
(Acadia University-ACAD)
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Economic Herbarium of Oakes Ames (Harvard University Herbaria)
(Harvard University-ECON)
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Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium, Herbarium
(Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium-SJFM)
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Farlow Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany (Harvard University Herbaria)
(Harvard University-FH)
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Francis J. Trembley Herbarium, Lehigh University
(Lehigh University-LEH)
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George R. Cooley Herbarium
(Colgate University-GRCH)
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George Safford Torrey Herbarium, University of Connecticut
(University of Connecticut-CONN)
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Harvard Forest Herbarium
(Harvard University-HF)
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Harvard specimens not within IPT
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Herbarium of the Arnold Arboretum (Harvard University Herbaria)
(Harvard University-A)
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Herbarium SUNY Oswego
(State University of New York at Oswego-OSW)
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Herbier Louis-Marie (QFA)
(Université Laval-QFA)
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Highstead Foundation Herbarium
(Highstead Arboretum-HSF)
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James A. Bates Herbarium
(Phinehas S. Newton Library-BATES)
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Jewell and Arline Moss Settle Herbarium at SUNY Oneonta
(State University of New York, Oneonta-SUCO)
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Keene State College Herbarium
(Keene State College-KESC)
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Louis Calder Center Herbarium
(Fordham Universiy-LCCH)
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Marie-Victorin Herbarium
(Université de Montréal Biodiversity Centre-MT)
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MBLWHOI Library Herbarium
(Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution-SPWH)
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Mohonk Preserve Herbarium
(Mohonk Preserve-DSRC)
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New England Botanical Club (Harvard University Herbaria)
(Harvard University-NEBC)
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New York State Museum Herbarium
(New York State Museum-NYS)
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Orchid Herbarium of Oakes Ames (Harvard University Herbaria)
(Harvard University-AMES)
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Orville Bissett Herbarium
(Central Connecticut State University-CCSU)
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Peabody Essex Museum Herbarium
(Peabody Essex Museum-PM)
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Royal Botanical Gardens Herbarium
(Royal Botanical Gardens-HAM)
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Saint Anselm College Herbarium
(Saint Anselm College-STAC)
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Southern Connecticut State University Herbarium
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Stuart K. Harris Herbarium
(Boston University-BSN)
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The College of New Jersey Herbarium
(The College of New Jersey-TCNJ)
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The Gray Herbarium (Harvard University Herbaria)
(Harvard University-GH)
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The Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association Herbarium
(The Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association-NMMA)
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The Polly Hill Arboretum Herbarium
(The Polly Hill Arboretum-PHARB)
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University of Maine Herbaria
(University of Maine-MAINE)
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University of Massachusetts Amherst, Herbarium
(University of Massachusetts, Amherst-MASS)
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University of Rhode Island Herbarium
(University of Rhode Island-KIRI)
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University of Vermont, Pringle Herbarium, New England vascular plants
(University of Vermont-VT)
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Vassar College Herbarium
(Vassar College-VAS)
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Western Connecticut State University Herbarium
(Western Connecticut State University-WCSU)
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Westfield State University Herbarium
(Westfield State University-WSCH)
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William and Lynda Steere Herbarium, New York Botanical Garden
(New York Botanical Garden-NY)
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Wilton Garden Club Herbarium
(Wilton Garden Club-WGCH)
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Yale University Herbarium, Yale Peabody Museum
(Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History-YU)
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Chrysler Herbarium Specimen Observations
(Rutgers University-CHRB:Observations)
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Consortium of Northeastern Herbaria General Observations
(Consortium of Northeastern Herbaria-CNH:Observations)
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Yale University Herbarium Specimen Observations
(Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History-YU:Observations)
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Page 3, records 401-600 of 14,461
Anaphalis margaritacea
Trépanier, Paul-Aimé
Anaphalis margaritacea
Desrochers, Alcide
Anaphalis margaritacea
Desrochers, Alcide
Anaphalis margaritacea
Boisvert, Donat
Andromeda glaucophylla
Gauthier, Robert
Andromeda glaucophylla
Robert, Élisabeth
Andromeda glaucophylla
Salvaille, Serge
Andromeda glaucophylla
Salvaille, Serge
Andromeda glaucophylla
Lehoux, Denis; Rosa, Jacques
Andromeda glaucophylla
Stirrett, Geo, M.
Andromeda glaucophylla
Ducruc, Jean-Pierre
Andromeda glaucophylla
Ducruc, Jean-Pierre
Andromeda glaucophylla
Ducruc, Jean-Pierre
Andromeda glaucophylla
Ducruc, Jean-Pierre
Andromeda glaucophylla
Bussières, Bruno; Poirier, Joël
Andromeda glaucophylla
Bussières, Bruno; Poirier, Joël
Andromeda glaucophylla
Bussières, Bruno; Poirier, Joël
Andromeda glaucophylla
Bussières, Bruno; Poirier, Joël
Andromeda glaucophylla
Bussières, Bruno; Poirier, Joël
Andromeda glaucophylla
Bussières, Bruno; Poirier, Joël
Andromeda glaucophylla
Bussières, Bruno; Poirier, Joël
Andromeda glaucophylla
Argus, George W.
Andromeda glaucophylla
Argus, George W.
Andromeda glaucophylla
Gauthier, Robert
Andromeda glaucophylla
Argus, George W.
Andromeda glaucophylla
Haber, Erich
Andromeda glaucophylla
Blondeau, Marcel
Andromeda glaucophylla
Roy, frère Edmond
Andromeda glaucophylla
Rolland-Germain, frère
Andromeda glaucophylla
Léonard, frère
Andromeda glaucophylla
Lapointe, Martine
Andromeda glaucophylla
Couillard, Pierre-Luc
Andromeda jamesiana Lepage
Dutilly, Arthème; Lepage, Ernest
Andromeda jamesiana Lepage
Dutilly, Arthème; Lepage, Ernest
Andromeda jamesiana Lepage
Dutilly, Arthème; Lepage, Ernest
Andromeda polifolia var. glaucophylla
Blondeau, Marcel
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Kuc, Marian
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Findlay, W. I.
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. andersonii (Hultén) Hultén
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace chamaejasme subsp. lehmanniana (Sprengel) Hultén
Calder, James Alexander; Billard, L. G.
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème; Lepage, Ernest
Androsace septentrionalis
Tremblay, Benoît
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème; Lepage, Ernest
Androsace septentrionalis
Lepage, Ernest
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème; Lepage, Ernest
Androsace septentrionalis
Lepage, Ernest
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème; Lepage, Ernest
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème; Duman, Maximillian George
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace septentrionalis
Dutilly, Arthème
Androsace septentrionalis
Deshaye, Jean
Androsace septentrionalis
Coulombe, Anne-Marie
Androsace septentrionalis
Coulombe, Anne-Marie
Androsace septentrionalis
Blondeau, Marcel; Scott, Katherine
Androsace septentrionalis subsp. septentrionalis
Blondeau, Marcel
Androsace septentrionalis subsp. septentrionalis
Blondeau, Marcel
Anemonastrum canadense (Linnaeus) Mosyakin
Gauthier, Robert
Anemonastrum canadense (Linnaeus) Mosyakin
Gauthier, Robert; Bergeron, Chantal
Anemonastrum canadense (Linnaeus) Mosyakin
Saint-Cyr, Dominique-Napoléon
Anemonastrum canadense (Linnaeus) Mosyakin
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier
Anemone canadensis
Marie-Victorin, frère; Rolland-Germain, frère ; Louis-Marie, père
Anemone canadensis
Bernard, Jean-Paul
Anemone canadensis
Lapointe, Martine
Anemone canadensis
Allard, Girard
Anemone canadensis
Trépanier, Paul-Aimé
Anemone canadensis
Boisvert, Donat
Anemone canadensis
Mailhot, Jean-Marie
Anemone cylindrica
Gauthier, Robert
Anemone cylindrica
Marie-Victorin, frère; Rolland-Germain, frère
Anemone cylindrica
Drolet, Serge
Anemone cylindrica
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier
Anemone nemorosa
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier
Anemone parviflora
Morisset, Pierre; Deshaye, Jean; Dansereau, Pierre
Anemone quinquefolia
St-Louis, Annie
Anemone quinquefolia
Sénéchal, Simone
Anemone virginiana
Gauthier, Robert
Anemone virginiana
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier
Anethum graveolens
Bernard, Jean-Paul
Angelica atropurpurea
Sénéchal, Simone
Angelica atropurpurea
Lefebvre, Vigor
Angelica atropurpurea
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier
Angelica lucida
Gauthier, Robert
Antennaria canadensis
Lemieux, Guy
Antennaria canadensis
Boisvert, Roland
Antennaria canadensis
Laplante, Jean-Paul
Antennaria canadensis
Lapointe, Martine
Antennaria howellii
Dubé, Martin
Antennaria howellii
Morisset, Pierre; Deshaye, Jean; Dansereau, Pierre
Antennaria howellii subsp. neodioica
Lahaie, Paul-Émile
Antennaria neglecta
Bernard, Jean-Paul
Antennaria neodioica
Bernard, Jean-Paul
Antennaria neodioica var. chlorophylla
Gérardin, Vincent
Antennaria plantaginifolia
Provancher, Léon
Antennaria plantaginifolia
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier
Anthemis arvensis
Bernard, Jean-Paul
Anthemis arvensis
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier
Anthemis cotula
Bernard, Jean-Paul
Anthemis cotula
non précisé
Anthemis cotula
Saint-Cyr, Dominique-Napoléon
Anthemis cotula
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier
Anthemis cotula
Boisvert, Donat
Anthemis tinctoria
Bernard, Jean-Paul
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Dutilly, Arthème
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Dutilly, Arthème
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Malte, Malte Oskar
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Dutilly, Arthème; Lepage, Ernest
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Barrett, Paul
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Dutilly, Arthème; Lepage, Ernest
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Dutilly, Arthème; Lepage, Ernest
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Ducruc, Jean-Pierre
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Deshaye, Jean
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Deshaye, Jean
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Reed, Austin
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Reed, Austin
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Dupuis, Pierre
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Dupuis, Pierre
Anthoxanthum arcticum Veldkamp
Dupuis, Pierre
Anthoxanthum monticola
Gauthier, Robert
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Gardner, Gérard
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Martin, John E.H.
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Parmelee, J. A.
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Parmelee, J. A.
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Bowers, Doreen
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Scoggan, Homer John; Baldwin, William Kirwin Willcocks
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Kuc, Marian
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Dutilly, Arthème; Duman, Maximilian George
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Dutilly, Arthème
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Barrett, Paul
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Gillett, John Montague
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Gillett, John Montague
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Utech, Frederick H.
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Saarela, Jeffery M.; Sokoloff, Paul C.; Bull, R. D.
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Deshaye, Jean
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Deshaye, Jean
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Coulombe, Anne-Marie
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Coulombe, Anne-Marie
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Coulombe, Anne-Marie
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Coulombe, Anne-Marie
Anthoxanthum monticola subsp. alpinum (Sw. ex Willd.) Soreng
Cody, William James
Anthoxanthum nitens subsp. nitens
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier
Anthriscus sylvestris
Cayouette, Richard
Anthriscus sylvestris
Bernard, Jean-Paul
Anthriscus sylvestris
Gougeon, Marcel
Anthriscus sylvestris
Gagnon, abbé Alexandre
Anthriscus sylvestris
Gagnon, abbé Alexandre
Anthriscus sylvestris
Légaré, Carole; Tardif, Bernard
Anthriscus sylvestris
Gauthier, Robert
Anthriscus sylvestris
Beauchamp, Sébastien
Anthriscus sylvestris
Gauthier, Robert
Anthriscus sylvestris
Têtu, Bernard
Anthriscus sylvestris
Lefebvre, Vigor
Apios americana
non précisé
Apios americana
Roy, frère Edmond
Apios americana
Marie-Victorin, frère; Rolland-Germain, frère; Rouleau, Ernest
Apios americana
Perrault, frère Rosaire
Apios americana
Ernest, frère
Apios americana
Couillard, Pierre-Luc
Apios americana
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier
Apios americana
St-Louis, Annie
Apocynum androsaemifolium
Gauthier, Robert; Rochefort, Line; Campbell, Daniel
Apocynum androsaemifolium
Létourneau, Jean-Baptiste
Apocynum androsaemifolium
Lapointe, Martine
Apocynum androsaemifolium
Saint-Cyr, Dominique-Napoléon
Apocynum androsaemifolium
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier
Apocynum androsaemifolium
Gauthier, Robert
Apocynum cannabinum
Perrault, frère Rosaire
Aquilegia canadensis
Provancher, Léon
Aquilegia canadensis
Lapointe, Martine
Aquilegia canadensis
Paulin, Madeleine
Aquilegia canadensis
Sénéchal, Simone
Aquilegia canadensis
Saint-Cyr, Dominique-Napoléon
Aquilegia canadensis
Saint-Cyr, Dominique-Napoléon
Aquilegia canadensis
Desrochers, Alcide
Aquilegia canadensis
Boisvert, Donat
Aquilegia canadensis
Maurault, Thomas-Marie-Olivier
Aquilegia vulgaris
Lapointe, Martine
Arabidopsis thaliana
Bernard, Jean-Paul
Arabis alpina
Gérardin, Vincent
Arabis arenicola
Filion, Louise
Arabis divaricarpa
Bernard, Jean-Paul
Page 3, records 401-600 of 14,461