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Page 6, records 1,001-1,200 of 14,461

Betula ungavensis Lepage
Dutilly, Arthème; Lepage, Ernest
Betula ungavensis Lepage
Dutilly, Arthème; Lepage, Ernest
Bistorta plumosa (Small) Greene
Dutilly, Arthème
Bistorta plumosa (Small) Greene
Dutilly, Arthème
Bistorta plumosa (Small) Greene
Bowers, Thelma
Bistorta plumosa (Small) Greene
Dutilly, Arthème
Bistorta plumosa (Small) Greene
Dutilly, Arthème
Bistorta plumosa (Small) Greene
Gillett, John Montague; Calder, James Alexander

Page 6, records 1,001-1,200 of 14,461