Western Connecticut State University Herbarium (Western Connecticut State University-WCSU)

Specialty: Aquatic flowering plants; New England; New World Podostemaceae. Date Founded: 1944.
Contacts: Dorothy Christopher, christopherd@wcsu.edu
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: 8d348380-36c2-4ddd-8128-dfb388b96f91
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: Western Connecticut State University
Access Rights: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/
Western Connecticut State University
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
181 White Street
Danbury, Connecticut   06810
United States of America
203/ 837-8773
Collection Statistics
  • 6,710 specimen records
  • 4,033 (60%) georeferenced
  • 4,647 (69%) with images (4,661 total images)
  • 6,238 (93%) identified to species
  • 203 families
  • 769 genera
  • 1,810 species
  • 1,886 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Geographic Distribution - Michigan
Click on the specimen record counts within the parenthesis to return the records for that term
  • Cheboygan (11)
  • Cheboygen (5)
  • Chippewa (2)
  • Emmet (8)
  • Luce (2)
  • Machinac (1)
  • Mackinac (2)
  • Missaukee (2)
  • Montmorency (1)
  • Presque Isle (4)
  • Schoolcraft (2)
  • Washtenaw (3)
  • Wastenaw (1)
Use of any specimen data and related material (e.g., images, species checklists, etc.) accessed through this portal requires agreement to the terms and conditions in the CNH data usage policy.