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                                             Botrychium acuminatum
                                             Botrychium ascendens
                                             Botrychium biternatum
                                             Botrychium boreale
                                               Botrychium boreale var. obtusilobum
                                             Botrychium campestre
                                             Botrychium crenulatum
                                             Botrychium dissectum
                                                   [Botrychium obliquum var. elongatum]
                                                   [Botrychium obliquum]
                                                   Botrychium dissectum f. obliquum
                                               Botrychium dissectum var. obliquum
                                               Botrychium dissectum var. oblongifolium
                                               Botrychium dissectum var. oneidense
                                               Botrychium dissectum var. tenuifolium
                                             Botrychium echo
                                             Botrychium gallicomontanum
                                             Botrychium gracile
                                             Botrychium hesperium
                                                   [Botrychium lunaria ssp. occidentale]
                                                   [Botrychium matricariifolium ssp. hesperium]
                                             Botrychium jenmanii
                                                   [Botrychium alabamense]
                                             Botrychium lanceolatum
                                               Botrychium lanceolatum subsp. angustisegmentum
                                               Botrychium lanceolatum var. angustisegmentum
                                                     [Botrychium angustisegmentum]
                                                     [Botrychium lanceolatum ssp. angustisegmentum]
                                               Botrychium lanceolatum var. lanceolatum
                                                     [Botrychium lanceolatum ssp. typicum]
                                             Botrychium lineare
                                             Botrychium lunaria
                                                   [Botrychium onondagense]
                                               Botrychium lunaria var. matricariifolium
                                               Botrychium lunaria var. minganense
                                               Botrychium lunaria var. onondagense
                                             Botrychium lunarioides
                                                   [Sceptridium lunarioides]
                                             Botrychium matricariifolium
                                                   [Botrychium neglectum]
                                               Botrychium matricariifolium var. hesperium
                                             Botrychium minganense
                                                   [Botrychium lunaria ssp. minganense]
                                             Botrychium montanum
                                             Botrychium mormo
                                             Botrychium multifidum
                                                   [Botrychium californicum]
                                                   [Botrychium coulteri]
                                                   [Botrychium matricariae]
                                                   [Botrychium matricarioides]
                                                   [Botrychium multifidum ssp. californicum]
                                                   [Botrychium multifidum ssp. coulteri]
                                                   [Botrychium multifidum ssp. silaifolium]
                                                   [Botrychium silaifolium var. coulteri]
                                                   [Botrychium silaifolium]
                                               Botrychium multifidum var. californicum
                                               Botrychium multifidum var. coulteri
                                               Botrychium multifidum var. intermedium
                                               Botrychium multifidum var. oneidense
                                               Botrychium multifidum var. silaifolium
                                             Botrychium oneidense
                                                   [Sceptridium oneidense]
                                             Botrychium pallidum
                                             Botrychium paradoxum
                                             Botrychium pedunculosum
                                             Botrychium pinnatum
                                                   [Botrychium boreale ssp. obtusilobum]
                                             Botrychium pseudopinnatum
                                             Botrychium pumicola
                                             Botrychium ramosum
                                             Botrychium rugulosum
                                             Botrychium rutaceum
                                             Botrychium simplex
                                                   [Botrychium simplex ssp. simplex]
                                                   [Botrychium simplex ssp. typicum]
                                                   [Botrychium tenebrosum]
                                               Botrychium simplex var. compositum
                                               Botrychium simplex var. laxifolium
                                               Botrychium simplex var. tenebrosum
                                             Botrychium spathulatum
                                             Botrychium ternatum
                                               Botrychium ternatum var. intermedium
                                             Botrychium ternatum var. obliquum
                                             Botrychium virginianum
                                                   [Botrychium virginianum ssp. europaeum]
                                                   Botrychium virginianum f. anomalum
                                               Botrychium virginianum var. europaea
                                               Botrychium virginianum var. europaeum
                                             Botrychium virginicum
                                             Botrypus virginianus
                                                   [Botrychium virginianum subsp. europaeum]
                                                   [Botrychium virginianum var. occidentale]
                                               Botrypus virginianus subsp. virginianus
                                                     [Botrychium cicutarium]
                                             Cheiroglossa palmata
                                                   [Ophioglossum palmatum]
                                             Helminthostachys zeylanica
                                             Japanobotrychum lanuginosum
                                                   [Botrychium lanuginosum]
                                             Rhizoglossum bergianum
                                                   [Ophioglossum bergianum]
                                             Ophioglossum arenarium
                                             Ophioglossum californicum
                                                   [Ophioglossum lusitanicum ssp. californicum]
                                             Ophioglossum crotalophoroides
                                               Ophioglossum crotalophoroides var. crotalophoroides
                                               Ophioglossum crotalophoroides var. nanum
                                             Ophioglossum engelmannii
                                             Ophioglossum lusitanicum
                                               Ophioglossum lusitanicum var. californicum
                                             Ophioglossum nudicaule
                                                   [Ophioglossum capense]
                                                   [Ophioglossum dendroneuron]
                                                   [Ophioglossum ellipticum]
                                                   [Ophioglossum mononeuron]
                                                   [Ophioglossum tenerum]
                                               Ophioglossum nudicaule var. minus
                                               Ophioglossum nudicaule var. tenerum
                                             Ophioglossum pendulum
                                               Ophioglossum pendulum ssp. pendulum
                                                     [Ophioderma pendula]
                                             Ophioglossum petiolatum
                                             Ophioglossum polyphyllum
                                             Ophioglossum pusillum
                                             Ophioglossum reticulatum
                                             Ophioglossum vulgatum
                                                   [Ophioglossum pycnostichum]
                                               Ophioglossum vulgatum subsp. vulgatum
                                                     [Ophioglossum pringlei]
                                               Ophioglossum vulgatum var. alaskanum
                                               Ophioglossum vulgatum var. pseudopodum
                                               Ophioglossum vulgatum var. pycnostichum
                                             Sceptridium australe
                                               Sceptridium australe subsp. australe
                                                     [Botrychium australe]
                                             Sceptridium biternatum
                                                   [Botrychium obliquum var. tenuifolium]
                                                   [Osmunda biternata]
                                             Sceptridium daucifolium
                                                   [Botrychium daucifolium]
                                             Sceptridium dissectum
                                                   [Botrychium obliquum f. confusum]
                                             Sceptridium multifidum
                                                   [Botrychium rutifolium]
                                             Sceptridium schaffneri
                                                   [Botrychium schaffneri]

Problematic Rooting (844408)
                                               Botrychium obliquum var. dissectum
                                               Botrychium obliquum var. oneidense
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