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                                             Ephedra alata
                                             Ephedra altissima
                                             Ephedra antisyphilitica
                                               Ephedra antisyphilitica var. brachycarpa
                                             Ephedra arenicola
                                             Ephedra aspera
                                                   [Ephedra reedii]
                                             Ephedra californica
                                               Ephedra californica var. funerea
                                             Ephedra chilensis
                                                   [Ephedra andina]
                                             Ephedra coryi
                                               Ephedra coryi var. viscida
                                             Ephedra cutleri
                                             Ephedra distachya
                                             Ephedra fasciculata
                                                   [Ephedra clokeyi]
                                               Ephedra fasciculata var. clokeyi
                                               Ephedra fasciculata var. fasciculata
                                             Ephedra fragilis
                                             Ephedra funerea
                                             Ephedra gerardiana
                                             Ephedra helvetica
                                             Ephedra intermixta
                                             Ephedra monosperma
                                             Ephedra monostachya
                                             Ephedra nebrodensis
                                             Ephedra nevadensis
                                               Ephedra nevadensis var. aspera
                                             Ephedra pedunculata
                                             Ephedra procera
                                             Ephedra torreyana
                                               Ephedra torreyana var. powelliorum
                                               Ephedra torreyana var. torreyana
                                             Ephedra trifurca
                                             Ephedra viridis
                                               Ephedra viridis var. viscida
                                             Ephedra vulgaris
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