Lime Pond Preserve, New Hampshire - Specimen List
Authors: Matthew Peters
Locality: Lime Pond vicinity, Columbia, Coos County, New Hampshire (44.871310, -71.489480)

Child List housing all Lime Pond specimen data (and other remnant unvouchered reports). The list links to the public Flora of Lime Pond Preserve checklist contributing all the specimen data.

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Families: 76
Genera: 225
Species: 412
Total Taxa: 412

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source: Peters 2019
O, Sporadic in wetlands and moist upland woods., source: Peters 2019; A. R. Hodgdon 12684 [University of New Hampshire]
This specimen not annotated, but corresponding Pease specimen from same day/place annotated to R. palustris as Pease himself revised it in his flora.; A. S. Pease 10458 [Harvard University]
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